GMC Terrain: Keys, Doors, and Windows / Keys and Locks

Keys, Doors, and Windows


Keys. Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) System

Keys Warning Leaving children in a vehicle with a Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) transmitter is dangerous and children or others could be seriously injured or killed...

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GMC Terrain 2018-2024 Owners Manual: Fuel Filter Replacement (Diesel)

Warning Diesel fuel is flammable. It could start a fire if something ignites it, and people could be burned. Do not let it get on hot engine parts, and keep matches or other ignition sources away. The fuel filter is on the passenger side, in front of the rear tire...

GMC Terrain 2018-2024 Owners Manual: Delayed Locking

This feature delays the actual locking of the doors until five seconds after all doors are closed. Delayed locking can only be turned on when the Open Door Anti-Lockout feature has been turned off. When is pressed on the power door lock switch with the door open, a chime will sound three times indicating that delayed locking is active...


    Vehicle Messages

    Messages displayed on the DIC indicate the status of the vehicle or some action that may be needed to correct a condition. Multiple messages may appear one after another.

    The messages that do not require immediate action can be acknowledged and cleared by pressing V. The messages that require immediate action cannot be cleared until that action is performed.

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